Mapping William Morris’s The Roots of the Mountains
Joseph S. Hopkins with art by Sylvia & Tristan Eden for Hyldyr, February 2025
In 2024, Hyldyr published a new edition of famed Victorian polymath William Morris’s The Roots of the Mountains. We invite you to read more about it here. The Hyldyr edition of Morris’s massively influential proto-fantasy novel includes a variety of new supplementary items, such as an original introduction from Ruth Tolkien, great-granddaughter of celebrated author J. R. R. Tolkien; relevant excerpts from Jordanes’s Getica (551 CE or soon after); and a map of locations described in the book, among other items.
While it is common to see fantasy novel maps today, it was Morris who created the first ever fantasy novel map for his The Sundering Flood (1897). Inspired by this, Hyldyr worked with the talented Sylvia and Tristan Eden (Leodrune Press) to produce a map for the 2nd edition of our publication of The Roots of the Mountains. We include it here for all to view so that all who read The Roots of the Mountains may refer to it.
Please note that the map above reflects Morris’s complex descriptions of the landscape in and around the Dale. As Morris’s descriptions can be complex and at times confusing, we invite you to read the text and make a map of your own! If you venture to do so, please let us know: we would love to see it!