“sorte muld traveler”

Traditionally letter-pressed SEed PaPer folding card

This gorgeous, Seattle-made 5.5x4.5" letterpressed folding card features a Viking Age Swedish archaeological find (an example of a mysterious gold foil depictions known as a "Guldgubber") combined with a quote from the Old Norse poem Hávamál, a 13th century poem consisting of earlier traditional material in the format of advice from the Viking Age Scandinavian god Odin (Óðinn).

All historic items on the card are carefully explained on the back of the card by scholars Joseph S. Hopkins and Mathias Nordvig (University of Colorado, Boulder).

This card contains North American wildflower seeds and may be planted to grow with soil and water.

Each card comes with a hand-embossed envelope.


  • Made in Seattle, WA, USA

  • Traditionally letter-pressed

  • Contains growable North American wildflower seeds

  • Includes hand-embossed envelope

  • Art by Jacqui Alberts, and text by Joseph S. Hopkins and Mathias Nordvig

  • Limited to 999


Due to the presence of seeds, this item is only available in the United States.

Now available

See Also